Aqila, Si Kecil Dengan Sejuta Impian

by - March 20, 2020

Hmm.. Tak Kenal Maka Tak Sayang?
Kenalin aku Aqila, cewek kecil asli Bengkulu. Yap, anak kecil, bocil, ataupun dedek kecil adalah beberapa julukanku. Tidak dipungkiri badanku yang sangat mungil untuk cewek usia 20 tahun hihi. I am proud of who I am. 😂

It’s going to be too personal, hope u guys taking on the positivity of this story😊

Long story short, my parents got divorced when I was 9, while my sis was 4. We were too young to dumb to realize what’s going on.

Frankly speaking, my mom has been diagnosed with skizofrenia. You may Google it. In that condition, it’s hardly difficult to constantly direct in touch with her when we were kids- we’re vulnerable. Well, doctor approved that.

For those read my writings whose parents divorced,they key is just being grateful. You can’t be hard on yourself. Never low grade yourself among others. It’s a god’s gift to you.❤️

As Azka Corbusier said:

"The fact is nothing is broken. They just not husband and wife but still my parents. It's not a broken home when you still have the same love from your parents".💕

Thankfully, I always surrounded by lovely people till now, I never commit any harmful things to myself. I love my self, and always will be.

Beberapa aktivitas di luar kampus. Anaknya memang ga suka kalo ga sibuk cmiww

Yes! I am an AIESECER! I had volunteered abroad to Jaipur, India 

Beberapa kali ikut lomba di luar kampus, salah satunya di Universitas Indonesia (atas). Sempat jadi bagian organisasi legal di kampus (bawah). 

One of the best moment! Dikasih kesempatan buat jadi bagian 'Inti OSIS' dan kerja bareng sama orang-orang hebat ini. Dikarenakan aku SMP Akselerasi, jadi SMA adalah pengalaman pertama aku menjadi anak organisasi yang 'katanya' super sibuk itu, hehe. 

Ohiya, My Highschool Squad! Best people on earth that God's sent for me. 
Ps. my boyfriend is on the frame - we've been together for more than 6 years now! 

Ohiya.. sometimes I am weak, and feel like I ain’t gonna make it. I am just trying to be the best I can be, that's all I can do. Let my past gave me a super power to determine who I am today.
A girl who’s actively taking role in a lot of activities that she passionates about. She’s in a way of chasing her dream.
My Mom and Dad❤️

I choose to be me
Do you dare to be you?

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