The 5 Love Languages And Why You Should Care

by - May 27, 2020

First thing first, what is love to you? 😉

Love has a broad meaning, what it means to you might slightly different from what your partner conceived. According to a philosopher, Plato has defined love as any general aspiration towards the good things and to happiness. In human relationships, love is a mutual understanding of the partner's needs and expectations. 

Why should you care about the 5 love languages?

The 5 love languages give us a comprehensive picture of how our partner expresses their affection. Knowing each other's love language will grow a couple's intimacy and trust, thus healthy relationships endured. Having a good understanding of your partner's love languages is the key to having endless love. Here are the 5 love languages you should care about! 

1. Words of Affirmation

Words of affirmation are showing care and affection by verbal expressions. Think about he says 'I love you so much' for or as simple as 'Don't forget to eat your launch, I don't want you to be sick" so many times. Conversely, people who favour words of affirmation particularly found any harmful words upsetting.

2. Gifts

Tangible and intangible items as the expression of love. Unnecessarily on a special occasion, gifts can be given at any time to the people they care about. Going to the shopping centre, in sudden he found cute teddy bear dolls you wish to have one, and then he's surprising you. Put a note that to the individual who favour gifts, a special day like an anniversary or birthday is meant more than anything in this world for them. Don't make yourself absent, key? 

3. Physical Touch

Any physical expression of love: whether sexual or more casual, such as cuddling, holding hands, a kiss, foreplay, or intercourse. Individuals tend to value the physical expression of being respected and loved. The less physical touch, then the less intimate the relationship will be. 

4. Act of Service

Knowing as an actual action taken to show the warmth and love to their partner. Think about he is taking care of you all day long while you're sick. However, ambivalence or lack of support is interpreted negatively, in another way, jealousy might arise as the individual found out that their partner spent more his time and attention toward other businesses.

5. Quality Time

Engaging in an activity together, particularly one you both enjoy. Like a walk after dinner or watching Netflix or a one day trip to visit waterfall together. Sadly, a distance might be challenging for individuals who favour quality time as their love language. The feeling of unseen and unheard are the bad things for this type of love language. 

The bottom line is knowing each other's love languages makes the relationship healthier. Each individual can possibly  has more than one love languages. 
Got confused about which types are you and your partner? Take this simple quizzes! 💋
The most important thing after you've taken the quiz is to share the result with your partner. An open discussion is great for you both to get a better understanding of each other.

Even if you're single, don't miss the hype! 💝

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